This was my test run of Generation UCAN and I must say it went pretty well. The only real issue I had was mixing it pre-race as I had a 20 ounce bottle and I tried to dump the packet in but I learned rather quickly that it does not sink, it floats. I kept tipping the bottle over hoping to have it mix up but it was not very effective, perhaps next time I should drink a little water out first as the powder was seeping out the top at this point. I also had white powder ALL over me and looked like I had just done crack prior to coming to the race! After getting it pretty well into the bottle I drank it and boy was it chunky which I am not sure was do to the actual product or my lack of mixing skills. The one issue is the proximity to activity you must drink it lead me to have to pee at mile 1.5. I also did one bag of sports beans pre-race because I was nervous about it not working.
The first two miles were pretty smooth other than the bathroom break, in fact I was going way faster than intended but it felt very good. I kept my new plan of walking at the water stops which is proving very effective. Nelly Hill killed whatever good speed and motivation I had for the race but luckily not to long after the hill I saw Stephanie from my tri group and we ran together for several miles all the way onto Ocean Parkway. We kept a nice conversational pace which was perfect as this was more a training run for me than a race although in the back of my mind I was hoping for a new PR.
Once Stephanie decided to drop back I was back to being alone with my thoughts which mostly centered on how warm it felt and Eagleman. I misunderstood and thought my friends would be at the mile 9 water stop and I spent a while looking forward to that and was very disappointed when I arrived there and saw no one. Ocean Parkway is BORING with little shade. Luckily they were at the mile 10 water stop so I stopped for hugs, pictures and smiling faces which were the perfect boost because I was feeling blah. Physically the Generation UCAN was doing it's thing and I felt I had energy but mentally I was not into it.
Mile 12 I had to stop and walk because of shooting pain in my surgery foot that had tears in my eyes. It came on suddenly, without warning and was pretty intense. A cop yelled at me, "You are in shape, you are almost there get back to running" and I almost screamed at him but politely "Are YOU running?"
Once I got into Coney Island I knew that finish line was near and I got back to a run but the course was changed a little from last year and I misjudged slightly. I did try and sprint on the boardwalk which I had done very successfully last year but this year there was a lot of sand on the boardwalk. I felt my foot start to slip and said to myself "You have eagleman in less than a month you better not get hurt sprinting for a stupid finish" so I backed off.
I did still manage to take a minute off my PR from April and finish with a strong 2:13:11. It was not the best race but it was a a great training run in warm weather. The foot felt better as soon as I got the sock and shoe off but didn't seem very swollen. The post race festival was MUCH more fun this year and I spent a long time stretching and laying in the outfield at the stadium.
My number even had a 26 for Packy!
Done running, sun kind of day!
Have to get a picture with the medal of course!
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